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GET Certificate: Clothing Manufacturing Processes

clothing manufacturing processes

DURATION: 12 Months

Programme ID: 50584 (Level 1)

Number of credits: 120


Why study clothing manufacturing processes?

The General Education and Training Certificate in Clothing Manufacturing Processes is designed to meet the needs of learners who are involved in sewing processes/basic garment making in the clothing sector. This qualification reflects the needs of various community-based initiatives within the sector. This qualification provides the learner with accessibility to be employed in manufacturing processes and provides the flexibility in that learners accessing this qualification may move into the already registered level 2 qualification in Clothing Manufacturing Processes.

This qualification is structured in such a way that it gives learners exposure to a broad set of core competencies. This qualification will allow for competence in the learners’ current work environment or chosen future work environment.

This qualification will help prepare learners for employment and further education or training. The qualification will introduce the skills, knowledge and understanding needed by those considering a career in the clothing sector.

This qualification will allow a learner to obtain a nationally recognised qualification in clothing manufacturing processes. It will assist with attracting and retaining quality learners. This qualification will provide for the recognition of prior learning by allowing learners to obtain credits for knowledge and skills that they already possess and so obtain the qualification in whole or in part through such recognition.

Course Outcomes

By the end of the qualification, you will be able to:

1. Understand the concept of production.
2. Comply with quality procedures and practices when finishing and storing pressed and ironed items.
3. Establish customer requirements and sell a garment.
4. Cost a garment.
5. Source materials.
6. Make garments. 

Entry Requirements

  • It is assumed that learners are already competent at Communication and Numeracy at ABET level 3.

Programme outline

  • Garment Construction
  • Patternmaking
  • Introduction to Fashion Design Principles
  • Working with a Client
  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Introduction to business principles
  • Work Readiness