Foundational Learning refers to the competence needed in the two key areas of Communication and Mathematical Literacy in order to deal successfully with occupational learning at NQF Levels 2-4. Its key purpose is to remove barriers to learning and progress in occupational pathways and skills development.
- NQF Level 02
- SAQA ID: 88895
- DURATION: 3 Months
Why Choose This Program?
The Foundational Learning Competence (FLC) Part Qualification comprises two components, Mathematical Literacy and Communication, as these two areas have been identified as platform skills for occupational progress and skills development. The FLC Part Qualification defines itself in the context of the occupational qualifications framework. It was developed to address the following needs:
- Many South Africans are denied qualifications in occupations and trades at NQF Levels 2, 3 and 4 because they are unable to achieve the compulsory fundamental requirements at all four levels in the FET band for mathematical literacy and language. Foundational Learning provides an alternative qualification model to enable progress in occupational qualifications pathways.
- Many South Africans are unable to cope with the learning demands of qualifications at NQF Levels 2, 3 and 4 due to historical educational backlogs which resulted in a gap in their understanding of and ability to apply mathematics literacy and language. Foundational Learning supports learners in the skills development context.
- Additional language or Mathematical Literacy requirements specific to sector and occupational domains are addressed in the design process of occupational qualifications in the FET band, building on the competence levels of the FLC Part Qualification.
Program Overview
The FLC Part Qualification is linked to an assessment model that is designed to streamline the process of identifying those who need upskilling in the two foundational areas, while at the same time serving as Recognition for Prior Learning for those who already have the minimum competence in place. It therefore enables access and removes barriers to occupational progression.
Entry Requirements
- Communication at Adult Based Education and Training (ABET) Level 3 or equivalent.
- Mathematical Literacy at ABET Level 3 or equivalent.
Key Skills and Competencies
Foundational Communication:
1. Read and understand a range of text types, extract and use information, and make critical judgments.
2. Write a variety of texts to record information and ideas.
3. Interact orally with others with a reasonable degree of confidence for a number of purposes.
4. Read and produce visual texts.
5. Use knowledge of grammar to understand and communicate effectively through reading, writing, speaking and listening.
6. Use the language of learning and teaching effectively for occupational learning and training.
Foundational Mathematical Literacy:
1. Use numbers in a variety of forms to describe and make sense of situations, and to solve problems in a range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
2. Manage personal finances using financial documents and related formulae.
3. Collect, display and interpret data in various ways and solve related problems.
4. Make measurements using appropriate measuring tools and techniques to solve problems in various measurement contexts.
5. Describe and represent objects and the environment in terms of spatial properties and relationships.
6. Interpret and solve problems involving mathematical patterns, relationships and functions.